Privacy Policy

Who are we?

  • We are A. G. Down Limited (registered company number 731979) who also uses the trading names of A. G. Down, Overmass & Chapple, W. G. Potter and E. A. Dodd & Son.
  • We are registered as a data controller with the Information Commissioner with registration number ZA406894.

What information do we collect from you?

  • We collect name and contact details from enquirers and clients.

Why do we collect this information?

  • To provide Funeral and/or Memorial and / or Funeral Plans.

What do we do with this information?

  • We contact you to assist with Funeral / Memorial / Plan enquiries and arrangements.
  • We make Funeral arrangements with third party suppliers.

Who might we share your information with?

  • Our third party suppliers; e.g. the crematorium or cemetery, minister or celebrant, doctor, florist, venue, newspaper for obituary, online memorial site, etc.
  • A Funeral Planning Company to arrange a Funeral Plan.

How long do we keep your information?

  • We keep records of funerals indefinitely in case the family, coroner etc. contact us again in the future.

How can you access the information we hold about you?

Does our website use cookies?

  • We only use anonymous, analytical cookies.
  • You can set your browser to decline them.

What information do we collect from you?

  • The personal data we would like to process on you is:

​Personal data type:     ​Full names, Addresses, Telephone Numbers, Email Addresses

Source:       Funeral / Memorial / Plan arrangements​

Why do we collect this information?

The personal data we collect will be used for the following purposes:

  • To reply to enquiries about our services.
  • For the professional fulfilment of the Funeral / Memorial / Plan Services as instructed by you, including working with third parties on your behalf.
  • For the estimate, account and full payment of the Funeral / Memorial / Plan.
  • For your pre-paid Funeral Plan, if applicable and instructed by you.
  • To request feedback on our services and performance.
  • We keep details of Funerals on file so we have a record for future reference; e.g. if the family gets in touch in the future and asks for a similar funeral.

Our legal bases for processing your personal data are:

  • Taking steps at your request prior to entering into a contract with you.
  • Performance of the contract to provide Funeral / Memorial / Plan services as instructed by you.
  • Our legitimate interests in ensuring client satisfaction and improving our services.
  • Our legitimate interests in being able to provide a similar funeral to a previous one on request by the family without having to ask too many questions at a difficult time for the family.

What do we do with this information?

We will process your personal data to achieve the above purposes as follows:

  • We will share your data from your original enquiry made to us either by phone, online website form, email, paper letter or in person, or a third party source, with our colleagues in order to assist you with a Funeral / Memorial / Plan enquiry.
  • We will store your data along with the deceased’s information on our computer system indefinitely in case of future historical reference to Funeral details is required such as the provision of exhumation, repeat of family services, plot information etc.
  • We will contact you by phone, email and paper communications to be able to make all the necessary Funeral / Memorial / Plan arrangements on your behalf.
  • We will visit you if you instruct us to at your home address or mutually convenient place in order to make the Funeral / Memorial / Plan arrangements
  • We will pass on your details to our third party suppliers; including if applicable the crematorium or cemetery, minister or celebrant, doctors, florist, newspaper in the case of an obituary, online memorial site in the case of an online memorial being set up etc.
  • We will contact you after the Funeral has taken place to ask for feedback either in the form of an online review or direct communication to the Funeral Director or one of the Directors of the company.
  • We will pass on your details to Charities when forwarding them donations so that a receipt may be sent to you.
  • We will pass on your details to a venue where flowers have been donated to so that they may thank you.
  • We will pass on your details to a Funeral Planning Company if you apply for a pre-paid Plan or make a pre-paid Funeral Plan enquiry.
  • We will pass on your details to our debt collection agency if the payment terms are not met.
  • We will contact you to make arrangements for return of the deceased’s cremated remains to you or as instructed by you elsewhere.

We do not use your information for marketing purposes.

We will only transfer your personal data outside the United Kingdom to the extent we need to make Funeral arrangements with third parties in another country; e.g. where the deceased or remains are to be collected from abroad or where a Funeral is arranged abroad.

Who might we share your information with?

We will not pass on your personal data to third parties without first obtaining your consent to our instructing them to provide the particular service required. The following third parties may receive your personal data for the following purpose(s):

  • Doctor(s) if medical certification is required/applicable.
  • Crematorium for the purpose of organising a cremation.
  • Burial authorities for the purpose of organising an interment.
  • A nominated minister or celebrant for the purpose of arranging details of the Funeral service.
  • A local musician for the purpose of liaising with you for your musical choices for the funeral service.
  • A florist for the purpose of arranging the flowers for the Funeral service.
  • A venue for the purpose of holding the reception as part of the Funeral service.
  • A caterer for the purpose of arranging the details of the Funeral reception.
  • A charity so that they may acknowledge receipt of donations.
  • A venue so that they may thank you for donating flowers.
  • MuchLoved memorial site if providing an online tribute page.
  • A Funeral planning company if an application or enquiry for a pre-paid Funeral plan is made

How long do we keep your information?

A. G. Down Limited will process personal data for as long as is necessary to allow us to fulfil your Funeral services and will securely store the personal data indefinitely so we have a record of the Funeral for the purposes stated above.

How can you access the information we hold about you?

Your rights as a data subject

  • Right of access – you have the right to request a copy of the information that we hold about you.
  • Right of rectification – you have a right to correct data that we hold about you that is inaccurate or incomplete.
  • Right to be forgotten – in certain circumstances you can ask for the data we hold about you to be erased from our records.
  • Right to restriction of processing – where certain conditions apply to have a right to restrict the processing.
  • Right of portability – you have the right to have the data we hold about you transferred to another organisation.
  • Right to object – you have the right to object to certain types of processing such as direct marketing.
  • Right to object to automated processing, including profiling – you also have the right to object to the legal effects of automated processing or profiling.  We do not carry out automated processing or profiling.
  • Right to judicial review: in the event that A. G. Down Limited refuses your request under rights of access, we will provide you with a reason as to why. You have the right to complain as outlined below.

All of the above requests will be forwarded on should there be a third party involved (see “Who might we share your information with?”) in the processing of your personal data.

Please note that the above legal rights apply to the personal data we hold about you, as a living person, rather than any data relating to the deceased.


In the event that you wish to make a complaint about how your personal data is being processed by A. G. Down (or third parties as described in “Who might we share your information with?”) or how your complaint has been handled, you have the right to lodge a complaint with us or directly with the supervisory authority.

The details for each of these contacts are:

Supervisory authority contact details

​Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House, Water Lane

Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF

​0303 123 1113

A. G. Down Limited contacted details

Mrs. Karen Hussey
A. G. Down
66 South Street, Bridport, Dorset, DT6 3NN

Tel: 01308 422643​

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